What is IQAS Assessment/Evaluation?

Introduction to IQAS

International Qualifications Assessment Service (IQAS) is a service provided by the Government of Alberta in Canada. It is designed to help individuals who have obtained their educational qualifications outside of Canada. IQAS evaluates these qualifications to determine their equivalence to Canadian standards. This process is crucial for individuals seeking employment, professional licensing, or further education in Canada. By understanding the IQAS assessment, you can better navigate the process and make informed decisions about your educational and professional future.

iqas assessment

Understanding IQAS Assessment

Purpose of IQAS Assessment

The primary purpose of an IQAS assessment is to compare foreign educational qualifications to Canadian standards. This comparison helps employers, educational institutions, and licensing bodies understand the value and level of the education received outside Canada. For individuals, it can open doors to job opportunities, further studies, and professional development.

Types of IQAS Assessments

There are several types of assessments that IQAS offers, depending on the individual’s needs:

  1. Basic Assessment: This provides a general comparison of foreign qualifications to Canadian standards.
  2. Detailed Assessment: This is more comprehensive and includes a breakdown of courses and grades.
  3. Specialized Assessment: Tailored for specific purposes such as immigration, employment, or education.

The IQAS Evaluation Process

Step-by-Step Guide

The process of obtaining an IQAS assessment involves several steps:

  1. Application Submission: The first step is to submit an application online. This includes providing personal information, educational history, and the purpose of the assessment.
  2. Document Submission: After the application is submitted, the next step is to send in the necessary documents. This typically includes academic transcripts, certificates, and other relevant documents.
  3. Verification: IQAS verifies the authenticity of the documents submitted. This may involve contacting the educational institutions directly.
  4. Assessment: Once the documents are verified, the assessment process begins. IQAS evaluators compare the foreign qualifications to Canadian standards and prepare a report.
  5. Report Issuance: The final step is the issuance of the assessment report. This report outlines the equivalence of the foreign qualifications to Canadian educational credentials.

Importance of IQAS CA in the Immigration Process

Role in Immigration

For individuals seeking to immigrate to Canada, the IQAS evaluation (ECA) is a critical component of the application process. The ECA is required by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) for various immigration programs, including Express Entry. The IQAS ECA helps IRCC determine the value of the applicant’s education in relation to Canadian standards, which in turn affects the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score.

Benefits for Immigrants

Having an IQAS ECA can significantly benefit immigrants by:

  • Enhancing their CRS score, increasing the chances of receiving an invitation to apply (ITA) for permanent residence.
  • Providing a clear understanding of their educational standing in Canada, aiding in job searches and career planning.
  • Facilitating smoother integration into the Canadian workforce and society.

Differences Between IQAS and Other Assessment Services

Comparison with WES and CES

While IQAS is a popular choice for educational credential assessments, it is not the only option available. Other services, such as World Education Services (WES) and Comparative Education Service (CES), also offer similar evaluations. Here are some key differences:

  • Processing Time: The processing time for assessments can vary between services. IQAS is known for its thorough verification process, which may take longer compared to WES.
  • Scope of Services: Each assessment service may have different areas of specialization. For example, WES is widely recognized for its speed and convenience, whereas IQAS is noted for its detailed evaluations.
  • Recognition: While all these services are recognized by IRCC, some employers or educational institutions may have preferences based on their familiarity with a particular service.

Key Considerations for IQAS Assessment

Document Requirements

When preparing for an IQAS assessment, it is essential to gather all the necessary documents. These typically include:

  • Academic transcripts from all post-secondary institutions attended.
  • Degree certificates or diplomas.
  • Official translations of documents not in English or French.

Ensuring that all documents are complete and accurate can help avoid delays in the assessment process.

Choosing the Right Assessment Type

Selecting the appropriate type of assessment depends on your specific needs. For immigration purposes, an ECA is required. For employment or further education, a detailed or specialized assessment may be more suitable. Understanding the requirements of your intended purpose will help you choose the right assessment type.

FAQs About IQAS Assessment

The processing time for an IQAS assessment can vary, but it generally takes several weeks to a few months. Factors affecting the timeline include the completeness of the application, the verification process, and the type of assessment requested.

Yes, IQAS provides an online portal where applicants can track the status of their assessment. Regular updates are provided, allowing applicants to stay informed about the progress of their evaluation.

If your documents are not in English or French, you will need to provide official translations. These translations must be done by a certified translator and submitted along with the original documents.

Tips for a Successful IQAS Assessment

Prepare Thoroughly

Ensure that all your documents are complete, accurate, and properly translated if necessary. Double-check the application requirements and provide any additional information that may be requested by IQAS.

Stay Informed

Regularly check the status of your application through the IQAS online portal. Respond promptly to any requests for additional information or documentation to avoid delays.

Use Prime Transcripts for Document Preparation

To ensure that your documents are prepared correctly and meet the requirements of IQAS, consider using Prime Transcripts. They specialize in helping individuals prepare their educational documents for assessment services, ensuring a smooth and efficient process.


The IQAS assessment is a valuable tool for individuals seeking to have their foreign educational qualifications recognized in Canada. Whether for immigration, employment, or further education, understanding the process and requirements can help you achieve your goals. By preparing thoroughly and staying informed, you can navigate the IQAS assessment with confidence. For professional assistance with your document preparation, reach out to Prime Transcripts to ensure your application is complete and accurate.