What is ICAS? A Comprehensive Guide to Credential Assessment

As individuals increasingly seek opportunities beyond their home countries, the importance of recognizing and validating educational qualifications across borders becomes more pronounced. Whether you’re planning to work, study, or immigrate to a new country, understanding how your credentials are viewed in that context is crucial. This is where credential assessment services like ICAS (International Credential Assessment Service) come into play. Knowing what ICAS is, how it operates, and how it compares to other assessment services is key to navigating your academic and professional journey.

what is iqas assessment

Understanding ICAS

ICAS (International Credential Assessment Service) is a Canadian organization that evaluates educational credentials obtained outside of Canada. It provides an independent assessment that determines how international qualifications compare to Canadian standards. This assessment is vital for individuals planning to study, work, or immigrate to Canada, as it helps institutions and employers understand the value and equivalency of foreign education.

ICAS assessments are used for various purposes, including:

  • Immigration: Many immigration programs in Canada require a credential assessment to ensure that the applicant’s educational qualifications meet Canadian standards.
  • Employment: Employers in Canada may request an ICAS assessment to verify that a candidate’s education aligns with the qualifications required for a specific job.
  • Education: Canadian educational institutions may use ICAS assessments to determine if an international student’s credentials meet the prerequisites for admission to a program.

How Does ICAS Work?

The ICAS assessment process involves several steps, each designed to ensure that the evaluation is thorough and accurate. Here’s a breakdown of the process:

  1. Application: The first step is to submit an application to ICAS. This includes providing detailed information about your educational background and the purpose of the assessment.
  2. Document Submission: ICAS requires official educational documents, such as transcripts and diplomas, to be sent directly from the issuing institution or provided in a sealed envelope. These documents must be in English or accompanied by a certified translation.
  3. Evaluation: Once the documents are received, ICAS conducts a comprehensive evaluation. This involves comparing the international qualifications with Canadian educational standards. The assessment considers factors such as the level of education, the length of the program, and the content of the courses.
  4. Assessment Report: After the evaluation is complete, ICAS provides an assessment report. This report outlines how the international qualifications compare to Canadian education. It includes details such as the equivalency of the degree, diploma, or certificate in the Canadian education system.
  5. Use of Report: The assessment report can be used for various purposes, including immigration, employment, and further education. It is an official document that helps institutions and employers understand the value of your international education.

ICAS Assessment vs. WES: Understanding the Difference

When it comes to credential assessment, ICAS is not the only service available. Another popular option is WES (World Education Services). While both organizations offer similar services, there are key differences that may influence your choice.

1. Recognition and Purpose:

  • ICAS Assessment: ICAS is recognized primarily in Canada and is particularly useful for immigration and education purposes within the country. It provides a detailed comparison of international credentials with Canadian standards.
  • WES: WES is recognized not only in Canada but also in the USA. It is widely used for educational purposes, particularly for admissions to universities and colleges. WES assessments are often required by institutions in both countries.

2. Assessment Focus:

  • ICAS Assessment: ICAS offers a thorough evaluation of all levels of education, including secondary, post-secondary, and professional qualifications. It is particularly known for its detailed analysis and comprehensive reports.
  • WES: WES is more focused on higher education credentials, particularly post-secondary qualifications. It offers a streamlined process that is often faster but may not be as detailed as ICAS.

Processing Time:

  • ICAS Assessment: The processing time for an ICAS assessment can vary depending on the complexity of the evaluation. Generally, it takes several weeks to receive the final report. ICAS is known for its meticulous approach, which can result in a longer processing time.
  • WES: WES is known for its quicker processing time. Depending on the type of evaluation, reports can be ready in as little as a few days. This makes WES a popular choice for those who need a fast turnaround.

4. Cost:

  • ICAS Assessment: ICAS tends to be slightly more expensive than WES, reflecting the detailed and comprehensive nature of its evaluations. However, the cost can vary depending on the level of education being assessed and the specific requirements of the applicant.
  • WES: WES offers a more cost-effective solution, especially for those who need a basic evaluation. The cost of WES assessments is generally lower, but it may not include the same level of detail as an ICAS report.

5. Services Offered:

  • ICAS Assessment: In addition to standard credential assessments, ICAS offers specialized services, such as assessments for professional qualifications and vocational training. This makes it a versatile option for those with diverse educational backgrounds.
  • WES: WES focuses primarily on educational credentials and does not typically assess professional or vocational qualifications. Its services are more streamlined, catering mainly to students and professionals seeking higher education opportunities.

Why Choose ICAS?

Choosing between ICAS and WES depends on your specific needs and goals. However, there are several reasons why ICAS might be the better option for certain individuals:

  • Detailed Evaluation: ICAS is known for its thorough and detailed assessments, making it ideal for those who need a comprehensive evaluation of their international qualifications.
  • Canadian Focus: If your primary goal is to immigrate, work, or study in Canada, ICAS is specifically tailored to meet Canadian standards, ensuring that your credentials are accurately recognized.
  • Versatile Services: ICAS offers a range of services, including assessments for professional and vocational qualifications, making it a suitable choice for individuals with diverse educational backgrounds.

How to Get Started with ICAS

If you decide that ICAS is the right choice for your credential assessment needs, here are the steps to get started:

  1. Visit the ICAS Website: Start by visiting the official ICAS website, where you can find detailed information about the assessment process, required documents, and fees.
  2. Submit Your Application: Complete the online application form, providing all necessary details about your educational background and the purpose of the assessment.
  3. Prepare Your Documents: Gather all required educational documents, ensuring that they are either in English or accompanied by a certified translation.
  4. Send Documents to ICAS: Submit your documents to ICAS as per their guidelines. This may involve sending them directly from the issuing institution or providing them in a sealed envelope.
  5. Wait for the Evaluation: Once ICAS receives your documents, they will begin the evaluation process. Be prepared to wait several weeks for the final report, depending on the complexity of your assessment.
  6. Receive Your Assessment Report: After the evaluation is complete, ICAS will send you an official assessment report, which you can use for immigration, employment, or further education purposes.


ICAS plays a vital role in helping individuals with international educational qualifications navigate the complexities of credential recognition in Canada. Whether you’re seeking to immigrate, find employment, or pursue further education, an ICAS assessment can provide the validation you need to achieve your goals.

While ICAS and WES offer similar services, the choice between them depends on your specific needs, such as the level of detail required, processing time, and the recognition of your credentials in Canada or beyond. For those seeking a detailed and comprehensive evaluation tailored to Canadian standards, ICAS is an excellent choice.

If you’re ready to take the next step in having your credentials assessed, consider choosing ICAS. For assistance with document preparation, including transcripts and translations, Prime Transcripts is here to help. With professional and reliable services, Prime Transcripts ensures that your documents meet the highest standards, making the credential assessment process smoother and more efficient.